The Sisters Grimm
The book, “The Sisters Grimm;The Unusual Suspects” by Michael Buckley, it is about a girl named Sabrina and her little sister Daphne whose parents got kidnapped when they were very young. They lived in an orphanage and got adopted (and escaped) many times. Finally they found a relative of the girls, their grandma. They were sent to Granny Relda’s house to live with her, her roommate Mr. Canis, and her dog. They never met their grandma and weren’t convinced when she told them she had magical powers. While the parents were still kidnapped, the girls were trying to sink in all of the things her grandma was telling them. One thing that stood out for Sabrina was that the grandma, Granny Relda, was a detective. That stood out to the girl because she figured that Granny Relda could help find her parents. Little did she know that the Granny Relda was already looking and it wasn’t going to be easy. I believe that the one theme in my book could be that you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover.
You shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. An example of that was on page 14, when the girls first moved in, a man who was tall. skinny, and very quite took their bags to their rooms. Sabrina thought this man looked pretty innocent. Later, after getting to know Mr. Canis better, she found out that the man was the Big Bad Wolf. As you can see, they based his personality after the way that he looked but later found out he was an angry and somewhat mean old man. “Three weeks earlier, Granny’s constant companion and houseguest, Mr. Canis, had been transformed into the savage creature known as the Big Bad Wolf.” This shows that Sabrina and Daphne thought that Mr. Canis was a sweet old man that was a constant guest at their grandmother’s house turned into a evil and vicious Big Bad Wolf.
You shouldn’t judge something before you get to know it. For instance, Sabrina’s little sister, Daphne, seems like a cute little girl that is very girly turns out to be pretty harsh. A case worker came to Granny Relda’s house to take the girls back and Daphne said, “We’ll just let you and *Elvis work out your problems on your own, I guess you could probably make a run for it, but you won’t get far. Elvis can smell evil.” This shows that Daphne was threatening the case worker to have her dog chase and eat her.
Finally, you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. For example, the kids found a huge spider and were incredibly scared of it, shortly Granny Relda pet the spider and it just sat there doing nothing. This surprised the kids. “Oh children, it’s just a spider said as she crossed the room and picked the creepy-crawly thing thing up with her bare hands.” This shows that you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover because they expected the spider to hurt them in some way, but really it was sweet.
As you can see, many of the people in my book judged people or things before they got to know them and they turned out to be different they they expected. You shouldn’t judge someone or thing before you get to know them. Many people judge other people before they even get to meet the person, and what they might think could be totally different than who they really are.
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